Training Methodologies of the 1960's by Dr. Ken E. Leistner

I was often pulled over by the local police and asked what I was doing. When I explained, “I’m running to become a better football player,” “I’m running for exercise” or “I’m run ning for health,” that usually earned me a crack on the back of thehead. Sometimes I got a punch to the stomach or a wrap with the nightstick across my buttocks or across the front or back of my thighs, and a request to enter the back of the police car at which point I would be driven home. The thought they had, of course, was I had robbed, stolen something, or was running from a crime scene and now needed to be brought home to my parents. Anytime the po lice took us in, a beating would be certainly administered by the parents, who would immediately support the police story. After two or three months of this, it was fully accepted I was the town nut. I was a health food and health-crazed individual who was really involved in strange activities. I ran or walked everywhere. I occasionally rode a bike or hitchhiked, but jog ging became my primary source of transportation. I was very dedicated in my lifting activities. I built a chin and dip station out of pipe my father welded for me and, of course,


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